Ministry is different at GraceBuilt. Serving Jesus is a joy when it’s done with grace and friends. So when you sign up for a ministry team you will make some, probably, your closest friends at the church, you will make a difference in the Shenandoah Valley.

Hospitality Team

The Hospitality team is made up of hosts and safety team members who serve during our worship services to help all feel safe and welcome!

Did you know 60% of young adults feel they don’t know how to make a friend or that the majority of people haven’t visited a church in 10 or more years? Join us to help each guest:

  • Enjoy a safe and orderly environment
  • Get to know two or three others
  • Know where to go with questions or prayer needs.

Sign Up Here

Church Online Team

The Church Online Team works to capture the magic of our worship services and share them online. We broadcast live services, and capture images for sharing online. Most people are clueless as to what church is really like. The Church Online Team introduces Jesus and His church to people who desperately need Him and His church.

Would you like to learn:

  • Camera and video equipment
  • Video and audio mixing
  • Social media engagement with an online congregation?

We love to teach!

Sign Up Here

Care Team

Baptism set ups, BBQs, Snow cones,  tables and chairs— how do we get it all set up? The Care Team!

Care team is perfect for people who prefer to serve at special events, or for urgent needs that pop up. Each month care team members get invited to serve at various events that need support. Simply choose which events are good for you.

Sign Up Here

Kids Ministry Team

Help children discover Jesus! There’s no higher calling.  During each worship service we have ministry groups available for all ages of children. 

  • Most volunteers serve 2-3 services a month, so serve as much or as little as you like.
  • Criminal background checks and an application will be required of all team members.  
  • We fully train each member.
  • We provide crafts, games, and curriculum.

Worship Arts Team

Are you a musician or singer? Do you like working behind the scenes on the sound board, or with the lyrics and lights? At GraceBuilt, Jesus is the only celebrity, so all of our Worship Arts Team cross-trains and works as equal partners learning and laboring behind-the-scenes and front-of-house. So if you are ready to develop your creative talents, join us.

Sign Up Here