Discipleship is taught through Bible study, but caught through relationships. At GraceBuilt, small groups give us a chance to grow in relationship with each other and with God.

Men’s Ministry

Men’s ministry gathers throughout the year, whether that be enjoying breakfast at the church with small group Bible discussion on a Saturday morning, or twice annual missions trips building, fixing, and serving the greater Virginia area.

Visit Events to see our upcoming Men’s Ministry gatherings.

Sign Up so we can invite you.

Women’s Gatherings

Join Claire Akin as she gathers with the women Saturdays in the Fall and Spring at GraceBuilt Church. She writes: “At GraceBuilt Women's Gatherings, we celebrate God’s grace. As Christians, we often find ourselves in a position of ridicule and are seen as foolish by the world. So, when we gather together, we celebrate God Who Heals and share these beautiful stories of redemption with each other.

At GraceBuilt Women's Gatherings, we desire to know God’s Word better and apply it to our lives. We do this through in-person meetings where we dive into the Bible, reflect on His Word, and share what God is doing in our lives in a cozy environment. We are not stuffy or fancy! We enjoy an informal time of fellowship, with a bite to eat together, prayer, and getting to know one another. All women are welcome!”

Visit Events to see our upcoming Women’s Gatherings. Sign Up so we can invite you.

Community Groups

Community Groups help us build relationships and foster discipleship by meeting in homes in every community around the Shenandoah Valley. Community groups meet monthly Easter to Christmas and aim to fulfill Acts 2:42 “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers…. And the Lord added to the church daily.”  So, each gathering includes:

  • Sharing a potluck. 
  • Discussing application questions from the last sermon.  
  • Prayer and fellowship.