GraceBuilt People
Meet Erin
Real Friendships
Meet Mitch
Changed By Grace
Meet Yesi
Closer to the Lord
We help you learn who Jesus is — chapter-by-chapter, through the Bible — so you can love. If you learn who Jesus is, His love will transform you from the inside out. Begin your journey this Sunday at 9 or 11 am.
Real Friendships
Changed By Grace
Closer to the Lord
February 8
February 15
February 19
Building Tomorrow, Together builds understanding, gathers donations, and mobilizes volunteers and prayers to renovate our facility and transform the way we make disciples in the Shenandoah valley and beyond. We are praying to raise $220,000 to cover furnishings, equipment, and fixtures in the auditorium. Building Tomorrow, Together will enhance our ministry by improving our reach with: Relationships, Safety, the Worship Experience, Online Resources and the Next Generation. Click Learn More to find out how this project helps you make a difference in our community.