Why All the Symbols and Mystery?
May 18, 2022 | Josh Akin
"Locusts streaked across the blood red sky with crimson hair and teeth of a lion." Why does the Bible, and Revelation especially, use such fantastic and dark imagery? What good could comes from descriptions that seem designed to cause...
Find Out All About the Antichrist
May 11, 2022 | Josh Akin
Most Christians think of the Antichrist as someone out of a horror movie, but the truth is far worse. Revelation 6 and 13 teach us what he will be like, what he will do, and why the whole world follows after him. Did you...
News Update: Digital Currency Brings Us One Step Closer...
April 27, 2022 | Josh Akin
To introduce today's study through Revelation 3, it is good to step back and see how current events reveal the reality of Revelation's prophecy. This week I'd like to highlight one of President Biden's most recent Executive Orders. Central Bank...
How To Find God's Open Door
April 20, 2022 | Josh Akin
Have you made Christianity a spectator sport? When we read Revelation we sometimes want to just sit back and watch the show. But we must fight this tendency, because in Revelation 3 Jesus wants His church to know there are open doors He created...
Have Churches Failed You?
April 13, 2022 | Josh Akin
Do you ever wonder how to deal with all the problems in churches today? Sex scandals, abuse of leadership, or misusing the finances-- these seem to be constantly in the headlines in 2022. Maybe you have seen first hand in local churches how...