Teaching Blog
5 Truths About Heaven For Today
June 29, 2022 | Josh Akin
What do you think Heaven will be like? It's a questions we hear around campfires, or in an old country tune. But the Bible, in today's study from Revelation 21, gives surprising clarity about our future in Heaven. Here are some of the questions...
See the Victory Not the Battle
June 15, 2022 | Josh Akin
What a joy it has been discovering with you the book of Revelation. Today's video Bible study is from Revelation 19 where we learn about the great battle between the nations of the world called Armageddon. How many movies have been made...
What's Happening To Earth?
June 6, 2022 | Josh Akin
Does it feel like we move from one crisis to the next? In the first half of the year we have seen Covid-19 eclipsed by talk of a Russian invasion, monkeypox, recession, violence in our big cities and even in a school. But Jesus said these...
Where Is God When 19 Children Die?
June 1, 2022 | Josh Akin
When our eyes have no more tears, many of us step back and wonder... Where is God when 19 children die at school? How does God let an 18 year old grow so sick in his mind? How do we answer those who doubt God's goodness on days when evil...
Satan: All You Need To Know
May 25, 2022
So the great dragon was cast out, ... who deceives the whole world. ... (He is) the accuser of our brethren. The Great Tribulation comes right before the final chapter of history on earth. Revelation 6-19 show these seven dreadful years...